Genetics, Nutrition and Environmental Factors in Focus
Simposium Co-Chairs
Organized by The Harriet Joyce Foundation (HJF), the Alliance for Emerging Disease Research (AIE) and Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo (UEES).
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Monday, December 2, 2024
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
We will address inherited metabolic disorders and bring together the most experienced healthcare providers from within Ecuador, in the fields of genetics, pediatrics, nutrition, psychology, and primary care, to discuss the challenges, share best practices, and to develop actionable recommendations for improving care management for affected children.
This day we will delve into the critical question: What is it that’s not letting our children thrive? Beyond the best nutritional interventions, what other factors are preventing our children from thriving?
This day will focus on identifying the underpinnings of health, from genetic risk factors to unknown exposures, from environmental toxins to heavy metals, the hidden threat of aflatoxins, bacteria associated with poor growth, ova and parasites, micro and macro-nutrient deficiencies, and environmental enteropathies—a condition linked to chronic exposure to unsanitary environments, which impairs nutrient absorption and contributes to stunted growth and poor development.
We will explore how these environmental factors, combined with nutritional deficiencies, create a vicious cycle that prevents children from thriving and makes them more vulnerable to disease and poor development.
We will unveil a revolutionary approach to early diagnosis and treatment of inherited disorders…newborn screening that harnesses the power of modern genetics. Imagine a world where every newborn in Ecuador has the chance to thrive, free from the shadows of undiagnosed diseases. While high-income countries can detect up to 40 diseases and core conditions early by screening newborns, Ecuador currently screens for only four! This can change dramatically.
Discover how Ecuador will leap forward, embracing cutting-edge technology to identify over 2,000 pediatric disorders, more than 500 of which are treatable or manageable. Learn how Ecuador is poised to become a shining example of advanced medical technologies and clinical approaches, akin to those used in PKU screening.
This groundbreaking shift will enable the replication of these methods across thousands of heritable diseases, setting a new standard for newborn and human health. Be part of this 7 pivotal moment. Witness firsthand how Ecuador will lead the way in newborn screening, ensuring a healthier, brighter future for our children. Day 3 will also provide valuable insights and practical tools to manage and treat hereditary metabolic disorders, the role of nutrition in managing genetic metabolic disorders, including dietary interventions and nutritional support, and nutrition management strategies.